Introduction to Crystal Healing
Crystals have a long tradition of being used for healing. Every crystal has a unique internal structure that resonates at a certain frequency. Applying this resonance in a coherent way can help to restore stability, balance and stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Topics covered:
What are crystals and how do crystals work
How to sense “energy”
The chakra system
Protection and grounding
How to choose crystals
How to clean and care for crystals
How to grid a house/room/office
How to build a crystal grid for continuous healing/manifestation
No prerequisite required
Channeling Flower Energy For Healing
Flowers are beautiful gifts from the creator to help you in your times of need. Come and explore how nature can help you heal emotional issues and release unhealthy habits. Open your heart and allow the flower energies to bring love, joy, peace and balance into your life. This is not a typical flower class!
In this class, you will receive a powerful attunement to channel flower energies and we will explore the following topics:
How to channel flower energies through your hands
Flowers & their Energetic Properties
Flowers & Angels
Flowers & Chakras
Aura Stroking
Messages from the Flowers
No prerequisite required
Crystal Bowl Sound Healing
Sound healing can be traced back from present day to many ancient civilizations. The pure tone of quartz crystal bowls produces a vibrational sound field which resonates with the seven chakras and the corresponding physical areas. When the bowls are played, the tone reverberates to release trapped and/or untapped energy being held within your energetic field. Come take a vibratory journey to deep meditative state and experience the transformational power of sound healing. Bring a pillow, a small blanket or a yoga mat and immerse yourself in the beauty and power of sound.
No prerequisite required
Energetic Hygiene
Do you know that there is a part of your body called the subtle body, also known as the energy body or aura? Have you ever felt exhausted or heavy after having a conversation with someone or perhaps feeling not so great after walking through an airport or a shopping mall? Well, you might have unconsciously taken on other people’s energies, emotions or problems. Energy hygiene is very much like physical hygiene. It is important to develop habits to clean ourselves energetically. Keeping our energy field clear and bright is an important part of our personal or spiritual growth. Come and explore grounding and shielding techniques and various ways to clear out energies that are not serving you.
No prerequisite required
Archangels 101
Archangels are extremely powerful celestial beings and they want to help you live a healthier and happier life! As unlimited beings, they can be called upon to improve all kinds of situations. They help anyone regardless of the person’s religious or nonreligious background. In this two-hour class, we will learn how to connect with the archangels and develop special relationships with them by learning their names and specialties.
No prerequisite required
Introduction to Angel Card Reading
Would you like to be able to do Angel Card Readings? They can be amazingly accurate and give us comforting guidance when we need it the most. We all have within us the capability to read the cards. All we have to do is believe in ourselves and our ability to communicate with our angels. If you would like to tap into your own abilities and do angel card readings for yourself and others, this is the class for you! Come and join us in this 2-hour fun filled class and learn about the “dos” and the “don’ts” and explore various angel card reading methods.
**Bring your own deck of angel cards or you may borrow one from the teacher.
No prerequisite required
Make Your Own Energy Bracelet
Every object on this Earth, whether it is living or inanimate, has energy. One of the most powerful ways to incorporate crystal energy into your everyday life is by wearing crystals in the form of energy bracelets. Crystals have the ability to hold energy. When you wear crystals on your body, you are affected by their energy and connected with the healing energy of the Earth.
Come join us and design an energy bracelet with specific and powerful crystal combinations to help bring you a desired energy. But, the magic happens when the crystals are combined with your thoughts, your intentions and your own energy. Together, they can help you create a desired outcome to manifest your goals and desires. Let your bracelets serve as a tool to help you tap into your inner power and manifest your dreams. In this class, we will show you how to make your own energy bracelet (materials included), review the energetic properties of the crystals AND learn how to cleanse, program and recharge your crystals to realize their full benefits. Energy bracelets are very special and would make great gifts for your family and friends.
Materials for one bracelet are included in the cost.
If you wish to make additional bracelets for your loved ones, pay only $10 more per bracelet for materials!
No prerequisite required
The Healing Power of Your Voice
Come and experience the power of “Vocal Toning”. Toning is a simple yet powerful technique to experience the effects of self-created sound. Toning helps relieve tension and restore balance and harmony to the mind and body. It can help you awaken and deepen your sense of self, and align you to the deepest vibrations of spirit. On the path of toning, you move toward the source of your own inner balance, creativity, well-being and freedom. No experience or “singing” ability required. This interactive session will be held in a loving healing space.
No prerequisite required